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Heylowwww !

My blog's rotting & i'm freakingg bored nw . Chucked my DnT aside whn i actually planned to do it since 1130 -.-
Let's summarise the events tht had happened in my life so far .

Studies : OMGAWD . I'm deproving a lot i tell u . Serious shit . The worst nightmare wad the fact tht i failed my MT for the first time in my life -.- ishhh . Mcm gini pgl diri bdk mlayu ? Memalukan pls . (ievenforgedmymom'ssignaturewhnaskedtosignonthepaper) shh :/ Told friends & lovee abt it . Friends were utterly shocked upon hearing . Nora said tht mayb i feel
demoralised whn i got into band 2 & this may be a factor tht affects my failure . Somehow, i have to agree with her . Lovee was pratically ranting & gave me a lecture. Well , i shldn't have told him abt it cos nw he made me made a promise to at least get an A for the upcoming paper -.- . Haishh .
Another nightmare is tht i failed my Chem .
Majorly cos of my carelessness in almost every pg of the papers -.- how silly cn i gt ?
Got lectured by Mr sharin & he slipped his tongue whn he called me stupidd . I swear i was gonna cry at tht moment . I'll have to work extra hard this time round . Hmm . Rest of the subjects were edible to me . Still dk whthr i made it thru for my eng overall.
I'M FREAKING STRESSED UP WITH MY DNT . Someone pls save me frm this suffocation pls .

CCA: cn i opt myself out frm syf pls ? The practises r eating up a lot of my time. I nidda break . 1 more mth baybeh & i'm outta all this shit . Thr's a camp coming up this march holidays . Savemesaveme! Omgawdd . Just 1 day aft march hols commence, da kene gy skola alek -.-

Personal life ; staying strong with lovee . Alhamdullilah(: Though thr r times whn i give up on u cos i can't take the pain tht u're causing & demand a breakup, u still insists on being with me . Pardon me for being a bd gf to u . I admit tht i'm bull-headed(heyy,i'm a Taurus lovee ,whatcha expect ? (: ) & unreasonable. It's always the matter of fact tht my overwhelming jealousy kills our r/s . Still , u stayed on to me . Thanks a lot lovee . Iloveyouhh. Tmrw marks our 5th alr & thr's a bloody SS seminar which ends arnd 7 -.- menyibokk je . My boobsday comin & u owe me a date
kayy lovee . (: i just hope tht u're able to be here & celebrate with me . If nt , i swear i'll lock upself up in my room. :'c

0thers : - planning to go to flea market with Bird & others .
- looking forward to IT showw .

P.S; iwantababy(ugetmypointlovee?)

yours truly,
♥ ; ShAbellAAA, 17 , 040595
double rainbow, cheesecake, muffins,stuffed toys with big2 eyes, superman, kittens ♥


Kak Nora♥
Kak Eqin♥
boon kiat


June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
January 2010
June 2010
July 2010
December 2010
March 2011
May 2011
February 2012

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